As a website owner and content creator, you want the keywords on your page to be relevant to what people are searching for so they have a better chance of finding your content in the search engine result page (SERP.)
Judging by their search volumes, you’d guess that the top-ranking page for “SEO tips” would get the most organic traffic. But if we check the current top-ranking pages for each term in sitio Explorer, we see that the opposite is true.
The idea here is that if people are willing to pay good money for clicks, there must be some value in the traffic from that keyword.
The first is that ranking for supporting long-tail keywords is usually pelo easier than ranking for the most popular way of searching for the topic (e.
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Let’s say that you’ve found the perfect keyword. There are lots of people searching for it, your page matches search intent, and it seems valuable. You should numero da carta de condução onde ver go after that keyword, right?
That said, there’s more to ranking in Google than getting backlinks. So while Keyword Difficulty is useful for getting a rough sense of ranking difficulty, there are other things you should take into account.
There is a lot you can glean from hanging out in relevant community forums and groups. Subreddits, Facebook groups or even Discords contain a wealth of information you can gather and use to write FAQs, support documents, or even to inform product descriptions.
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